VUC Storstrøm
DenmarkWhat have we learned from the GBT project?
At VUC in Denmark, we try to incorporate game-based teaching and learning as a natural part of learning designs and teaching. To motivate and inspire the students attending school and to help them succeed with their education we bring both analog and digital games to teaching, e.g., E-sport, VR and Active Floor.
Getting further knowledge and experience about game-based teaching and learning, it becomes increasingly obvious how important it is to incorporate games in your teaching. As a teacher, it is important to think differently about how you define successful teaching, e.g., in regard to the loss of control – when handing control over to the students, while they are playing and you as the teacher can still be confident that they are learning something.
Incorporating game-based teaching and learning as a natural part of the classroom is crucial, as it can help motivate students to attend school and improve their learning outcomes. To equip teachers accordingly, their competences need to be constantly developed, e.g., by strategically engaging with national and international projects as well as continuously developing and applying innovative learning designs to ensure varied groups of students can be supported.