Berufsförderungsinstitut Vienna
AustriaWhat have we learned from the GBT project?
At BFI Vienna, games are used in class, especially in classes with young people. Both to loosen up the lessons and to practice certain topics. Through the project, BFI learned that games can be used in different areas and that it is possible to develop a (learning) game out of a commercial game. The project enabled trainers from BFI Wien to see games in a different way and we learned to use a systematic approach.
Games are no longer simply played! Trainers set the games in relation to the curriculum and define competences, skills and abilities, now. This makes it possible that game units are evaluated together with the participants. With this evaluation, the participants also see games in a completely different way. They are excited to see what competencies they have already acquired through their favourite games and games they played as children.
These resources are used in the classroom, especially for career orientation, because the goal of our courses is integration into the labour market and so we can work on the topic in a playful way.