Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes-VUC Game facts and game description Description You’re alone in a room with a bomb. Your friends, the “Experts”, have the manual neededto defuse it. But there’s a catch: The Experts can’t see the bomb, so everyone will need totalk it...
Co-creation of an Escape Room Game facts and game description Description It is not really a game; it is a co-creation of a game. It is a co-creation of an escape room.It is the research, the creative thinking, the implementation of all the things the learnershave...
Connect Four - The Article Game Game facts and game description The game “Connect Four – the article game” is a self-developed game for people withGerman as a second language or with learning difficulties. Description The educational game was developed according to...
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes-VUC Game facts and game description Description The game is called “Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes” (PC version). You can either find iton HUMBLE STORE or STEAM. The game is about defusing a bomb. Your friends, the“experts”, have the...
Active Floor Game facts and game description Description Interactive learning, movement and fun!ActiveFloor is an interactive floor where children navigate in and play various activitiesand learning games by using their feet. An interactive floor for any child (and...
Reactor Game Game facts and game description The Reactor game is an analogue strategic game played in groups of 8 – 15 persons. Oneteam plays, the other monitors the game and gives feedback afterwards.The goal of the game is to get the cup of water out of the playing...